Schniewindt for energy technology

The high share of electricity in total energy generation emphasises the growing importance of the electricity sector. For the first time in Germany, the share of renewable energies in electricity generation exceeded the 50% mark - a significant milestone for the country's energy future. Schniewindt supplies products that are essential for the successful implementation of the energy transition.

Direct current transmission HVDC

We have been producing high-voltage resistors since the invention of the "Schniewindt grid" in 1902, making us one of the pioneers in electrical energy technology. Thanks to consistent new and further developments, we are now one of the leading providers of solutions for voltage and/or current measurement based on proven sensor technology.

Power distribution (alternating voltage)

Energy distribution in AC grids is becoming increasingly important in today's world. The increased decentralised energy feed-in (renewable energies) is creating new challenges for grid operation management. Power quality must increasingly be ensured with appropriate filter circuits.

Wind power

High expansion potential is expected from wind energy in the future. Schniewindt supplies the heating equipment required for this, such as gearbox or rotor blade heaters as well as braking resistors for speed limitation during load shedding. Excess wind power is already being utilised sensibly through Power to Heat (PtH).


To reduce global CO2 emissions, the expansion of hydroelectric power plants is also an important aspect, as far as the topographical location and the existing infrastructure in the respective region allow. Schniewindt supplied the necessary protective resistors for the generators for the Itaipu dam project in South America back in the 1980s.

Heat accumulator

Heat storage plays a central role in the energy transition, as it enables excess energy from renewable sources to be stored efficiently and made available as required. This helps to stabilise the electricity grid and enables a continuous energy supply even in times of low solar and wind generation.

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